Bulletin – 2016-11-13

This page is designed specifically for mobile devices in use on Sunday mornings. Jump to: THIS WEEK’S SCRIPTURE  |  WORSHIP  |  CONTACT FORM  |  PRAYER FORM  |  ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin for Sunday, November 13 Current Series Philippians 3:1-14, 17 1 Further, my...

Family Meeting 11/06/2016

11/06/2016 – Family Meeting From time to time, we as a church family need to pause and talk about things. Often these family meetings are practical in nature. This one was much more personal (and emotional). If you consider Ekklesia your church home and you missed...

Philippians – Part 4

11/06/2016 – Philippians – Part 4 Philippians 2:12-18 On this Sunday before Election Tuesday, what does it mean to “work out our salvation” and to “shine like stars in the cosmos”? It may not be exactly what you think, but it is bigger and...

Bulletin – 2016-11-06

This page is designed specifically for mobile devices in use on Sunday mornings. Jump to: THIS WEEK’S SCRIPTURE  |  WORSHIP  |  CONTACT FORM  |  PRAYER FORM  |  ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin for Sunday, November 6 Current Series Philippians 2:12-18 12 Therefore, my...

For volunteers 10-23-2016

Thank you! Thank you SO MUCH for serving on Sunday, October 23. To honor your sacrifice (and to say thank you!) we have started creating a weekly post with links to a Spotify playlist of all the worship songs, sermon slides and the sermon audio. We hope this...

Philippians – Part 3

10/23/2016 – Philippians – Part 3 Philippians 2:1-11 After challenging the Philippians to live lives worthy (politeuo in Greek) of the Gospel, Paul begins to show them what this looks like. No passage articulates Jesus’ upside-down kingdom better than Phil....

Bulletin – 2016-10-23

This page is designed specifically for mobile devices in use on Sunday mornings. Jump to: THIS WEEK’S SCRIPTURE  |  WORSHIP  |  CONTACT FORM  |  PRAYER FORM  |  ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin for Sunday, October 23 Current Series Philippians 2:1-11 1 Therefore if you...

For volunteers 10-16-2016

Thank you! Thank you SO MUCH for serving on Sunday, October 16. To honor your sacrifice (and to say thank you!) we have started creating a weekly post with links to a Spotify playlist of all the worship songs, sermon slides and the sermon audio. We hope this helps you...

Bulletin – 2016-10-09

This page is designed specifically for mobile devices in use on Sunday mornings. Jump to: THIS WEEK’S SCRIPTURE  |  WORSHIP  |  CONTACT FORM  |  PRAYER FORM  |  ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin for Sunday, October 9 Current Series Philippians 1:12-18, 27-30 12 Now I want...