Perhaps the best summary of our hopes would be the words Jesus spoke when teaching His disciples how to pray …
Your Kingdom come; Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
These are powerful words with far-reaching implications. They remind us that God’s Kingdom isn’t a wish for the future, but a present and ongoing reality! They call our diverse community — liberal and conservative, traditional and not-so-much, young and old — into discipleship that we might be conformed into the image of His Son. And they invite us to join Him in the work He’s already doing — bringing His Kingdom (not ours) to bear upon this world.
One of our favorite quotes is by a scholar named Luke Timothy Johnson. He writes,
[The Church is to be] a sacrament of the world’s possibility. A sign of what the world can be.
That’s our highest hope! That we would be a sacrament of the world’s possibility — loving radically, inclusively, and generously — regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, marital status or disability.
We recognize the importance for a church to be transparent in what it believes and values. Which is why we are often asked: Do you affirm women in leadership? Is anti-racism preached and valued? Does Ekklesia fully welcome and include LGBTQ+ persons?
The answer to these questions is an enthusiastic yes! While those who call Ekklesia home possess a diversity of thought, together we are deeply committed to justice and to recognizing the dignity and divinity of ALL persons.

Thoughtful Faith

Loving Community
Radical Generosity
This is how the early church changed the world — by following Christ’s example in pouring themselves out on behalf of the world around them. This is why we give a third of our offerings away [ read more ].
How to reach us
PO Box 19222 Raleigh, NC 27619