ONLINE CHURCH DIRECTORY FORM Online Directory Form In August of 2020, we turned 10 years old! Over the course of those ten years, we received many requests to create a version of an online photo directory to help people learn and remember names and faces. Please use this form to (1) opt-in to the directory and (2) provide all the necessary information for your household. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Note: Our online directory is hosted by a secure third-party website called Adjace. It works in concert with PlanningCenterOnline which we already use as scheduling/volunteer management tool. Once the directory is up-and-running, you will need to verify your email and create an account to view the directory or make changes to your directory listing. Adult 1 First Name* Last Name* Email* Phone* Adult 2 First Name Last Name Email Phone Address Street Address* City* State* Zip* Child 1 Name Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) Email (if applicable) Child 2 Name Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) Email (if applicable) Child 3 Name Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) Email (if applicable) Child 4 Name Birthday (mm/dd/yyyy) Email (if applicable) FAMILY/HOUSEHOLD PHOTO to use for the online directory. Photo* (4MB maximum) Questions/Comments By completing this form, I acknowledge that I am a regular participant at Ekklesia, and I understand that I am opting to being included in the online Ekklesia Church Directory. Yes