Local Missions

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Mission is central to everything we do. Discipleship is incomplete if it does not compel action. Worship is hollow if it does not move people towards compassion and justice. Teaching is empty if it does not challenge people to bring healing to a broken world. (see Amos 5:21-24; Isaiah 58; Micah 6:6-8; James 1:27).

Despite pockets of affluence, the Triangle is home to many who are poor, underresourced, and lacking hope. Through growing partnerships with the Raleigh Rescue Mission, Athens Drive High School, and Habitat for Humanity, among others, we are seeking to bring relief, hope, and justice to these individuals and communities.

Everyone who calls Ekklesia home is encouraged to serve locally as well as to help lead the church in local mission. While we already have many regular opportunities through our local partnerships, we believe we have only scratched the surface of what’s possible! If you have ideas for ways Ekklesia can get better at loving our city, let us know by using the form below!

    Got local missions ideas? Let us know!

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