If you are a regular part of Ekklesia, near the end of every worship service, we encourage those who came prepared to give a tithe or offering to do so in the boxes located at the auditorium entrance. For those who worship with us virtually (or those who prefer to give online), this page is our virtual “offering box.”
Thank you for giving. Our work locally and our partnerships globally depend upon your giving. To give online, use our Church Center App or click the PayPal link below. You can mail your gift to to Ekklesia Church at Raleigh, PO Box 19222, Raleigh NC 27619.
Thoughtful Faith
Loving Community
Radical Generosity
This is how the early church changed the world — by following Christ’s example in pouring themselves out on behalf of the world around them. This is why we give a third of our offerings away [ read more ].