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A Tale of Two Seeds

A Tale of Two Seeds

6/16/2024 - A Tale of Two Seeds In our gospel text this morning, Jesus tells two parables about seeds. One of them we like a lot. The other one less so. But we need the messages of both to help us follow Jesus effectively. (Q&A about the possibility of moving...

A Tale of Two Seeds

The Truest Thing About You

6/9/2024 - The Truest Thing About You In a world that often defines us by our mistakes and shortcomings, what if there was a truth about ourselves that we've been overlooking? Join us as we explore some thoughts from the book of Genesis that invite us to discover our...

A Tale of Two Seeds

Old and New Stories

5/19/2024 - Old and New Stories This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, the day the church celebrates the giving of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter two. This is one of the stranger stories we encounter in the New Testament, but it turns out the symbols and phenomena in the...

A Tale of Two Seeds

Secrets of the Vine

5/5/2024 - Secrets of the Vine Our lectionary texts in the gospels last week and this week come from John 15. This remarkable chapter speaks about the nature of the Christian life through the metaphor of a vine and branches. What lessons can we learn about our lives...

A Tale of Two Seeds

Bakos and the Boundless Gospel

4/28/2024 - Bakos and the Boundless Gospel In Acts chapter eight, an early follower of Jesus (Philip) meets an Ethiopian Eunuch (Bakos) and begins to understand just how big and expansive God's boundless gospel actually is. The story challenges us to reconsider our...

A Tale of Two Seeds

Laying Down Your Life

4/21/2024 - Laying Down Your Life Our lectionary texts this morning focus on Jesus as the good Shepherd who lays down his life. What does it mean to lay down our lives for others in our faith, and how can the many faithful people throughout history inspire us to do...

A Tale of Two Seeds

When Shame Meets Jesus

4/14/2024 - When Shame Meets Jesus After a crippled is healed at the temple gate, a crowd surrounds Peter and John astonished at what has happened. Just a few months earlier, Peter had denied Jesus 3 times. What happened between that moment and this one? What can we...

A Tale of Two Seeds

A Life of Togetherness

4/7/2024 - A Life of Togetherness Exploring the radical communal life of the early church in Acts, Pastor Greg discusses the possibility of modern Christians embracing similar togetherness in today's world. (Plus, we get to learn some peculiar facts about some of our...

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