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Lent 2019 – Week Five Fast – Possessions
Week Five - Fasting Possessions by Stephanie Capps Growing up, there were paths through my house. We had a path through the living room to the couch, a path leading us to the cabinets in the kitchen, and paths down the hallway to our bedrooms. Sometimes I had to shove...

Are We There Yet? – Part Five – Jeremiah
03/31/2019 – Are We There Yet? – Part Five – Jeremiah Jeremiah 29:1-14. The oft-quote promise of Jeremiah, that God has a plan to prosper us, is almost always taken out of context. A context of slavery and bondage. Perhaps we need to hear this text again for...

Lent 2019 – Week Four Fast – Media
Week Four - Fasting Media by Lindsay Stevenson As we journey through Lent together and focus intentionally on these different topics and fasts, we look inward at our individual hearts and ways of thinking that need renewal. While we do this internal work however, we...

Are We There Yet? – Part Four – Israel (in the desert)
03/24/2019 – Are We There Yet? – Part Four – Israel (in the desert) Exodus 16:1-3, 11-21. The people of Israel witnessed a lot of spectacular events on their way to freedom. But the miracle of manna they experienced in the desert was markedly different from...

Lent 2019 – Week Three Fast – Waste
Week Three - Fasting Waste by Mick Schulte I was so excited when Curtis and CJ said they were adding “Waste” as one of the Lent fasts this season. I don’t think it’s a typical topic for the church to focus on, and I’ve never heard it included in a church-wide fast...

Are We There Yet? – Part Three – Moses
03/17/2019 – Are We There Yet? – Part Three – Moses Exodus 2:1-15. The life of faith will necessary include pain and hardship. There is no "direct flight" to wisdom and maturity. It requires passing through disorder and deconstruction. Moses was no...

Lent 2019 – Week Two Fast – Clothing
Week Two - Fasting Clothing by Laura Jasmine We tend to envision fasting as a practice of recentering our hearts around God rather than some other object (in this case, clothing). We often treat clothing as an idol, coping mechanism, and giver of...

Are We There Yet? – Part Two – Joseph
03/10/2019 – Are We There Yet? – Part Two – Joseph Genesis 40:1-41:14. Most of the great characters of faith in the bible had long seasons of waiting and of seeming silence from God. Joseph in the Genesis story is no exception. Wrongly imprisoned, he spends...

Lent 2019 – Week One Fast – Food
Week One - Fasting Food by Katie Anderson It feels fitting to begin this Lent season with the stereotypical fast – food. For me and maybe for you too, my early understanding of fasting had very little do to with God and much more to do with dieting or even...

Are We There Yet? – Part One – Abraham and Sarah
03/03/2019 – Are We There Yet? – Part One – Abraham and Sarah Genesis 12:1-4; 17:1-17. All of faith takes place in this season of waiting — longing for the day when Christ sets all things to right. For those of us who don't like to wait (i.e., all of us),...
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