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Special 5th Sunday Worship Celebration with Dr. Donna Coltrane Battle
09/29/2019 – Special 5th Sunday Worship Celebration with special guest Dr. Donna Coltrane Battle John 4:3-30, 39-42. Dr. Donna Coltrane Battle spoke for our ongoing 5th-Sunday-Worship series on race, racial equity, and racial healing. She preached on the story of the...

The Spirit of the Disciplines – Part Four – Worship
09/22/2019 – The Spirit of the Disciplines - Part Four - Worship Psalm 84 and 88. If the Psalms are at all to instruct us on our worship, could it be that our modern expression of worship is out of balance? Perhaps even toxic?

The Spirit of the Disciplines – Part Three – Scripture
09/15/2019 – The Spirit of the Disciplines - Part Three - Scripture Matthew 5:17-20. In the Jewish world that Jesus grew up in, there was an understanding that scripture had many "faces" to it, and it needed to be turned over and over again if there is any hope to...

The Spirit of the Disciplines – Part Two – Solitude and Silence
09/08/2019 – The Spirit of the Disciplines - Part Two - Solitude and Silence Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16; Matthew 14:23; Matthew 14:13; Luke 6:12-31. Solitude was a practice that Jesus engaged in regularly. For Christ, it seems the benefits of solitude were far greater than...

Solitude, Silence and Prayer
In preparation for a message on the spiritual discipline of solitude (and the related disciplines of silence and prayer), we reached out to a handful of people who attend Ekklesia for their thoughts. How do you make space in your life for solitude? Here...

The Spirit of the Disciplines – Part One – An Introduction
09/01/2019 – The Spirit of the Disciplines - Part One - An Introduction to the Spiritual Disciplines Matthew 11:28-30; John 10:10; Matthew 16:24-25; Luke 9:61-62. An introduction to the Spiritual Disciplines: Silence/Solitude, Scripture, Worship, Confession,...

Block Party 2019 Photo Album
2019 Block Party and School Supply Giveaway! The storyline of the early Christian church is one of incredible sacrifice and eye-popping generosity. It grew not because it was a storehouse of wealth, but because it poured itself out on behalf of the world. This is...

The Unexpected Jesus – Part Four – Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane
08/25/2019 – The Unexpected Jesus - Part Four - Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane Luke 22:39-51. If we are willing to pay attention, Jesus offers a surprising and unexpected masterclass on prayer in the garden of Gethsemane.

The Unexpected Jesus – Part Three – Jesus and the Little Children
08/18/2019 – The Unexpected Jesus - Part Three - Jesus and the Little Children Mark 10:13-16. Against the backdrop of our cultural addiction to results, stream-lined processes, and productivity-at-all-costs, the methods and teachings of Jesus stand out in sharp...

The Unexpected Jesus – Part Two – Jesus and the Canaanite Woman
08/11/2019 – The Unexpected Jesus - Part Two - Jesus and the Canaanite Woman Matthew 15:21-28. This week, we find Jesus unexpectedly in a seemingly harsh conversation with a Canaanite woman - a conversation where Jesus says, "It is not right to take the children's...
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