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The Lord’s Prayer – Part One
01/05/2025 - The Lord's Prayer - Part One This year we will be walking through the historic Christian Catechism - The Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostles Creed. Today we look at some background and context, as we prepare to look at the Lord’s Prayer...

Christmas Eve – Gifts & Withholdings: Lessons from the Magi
12/24/2024 - Gifts & Withholdings: Lessons from the Magi In this reflection on the story of the Magi, we explore the beautiful complexity of human hearts - how we, like the Wise Men, both give and withhold, longing for God's Kingdom while clinging to our own. How...

Advent Week Four: Which Love?
12/22/2024 - Advent Week Four: Which Love? On this fourth Sunday of advent, our theme is love. Love is one of the most important words in the life of faith, but (in English at least) its meaning can be elusive. When we say God is Love, what is it we actually mean? Our...

Advent Week Three: Joy (and avocados?)
12/15/2024 - Advent Week Three: Joy (and avocados?) Through an unlikely pair of stories - a Christmas airline surprise and an ancient couple's unexpected news - we explore what it means to participate in God's joy. Together they reveal how God delights in bringing...

Advent Week Two: Two Peaces
12/08/2024 - Advent Week Two: Two Peaces Jesus is the Prince of Peace. But when Jesus was born, the title of Savior / Bringer of Peace was already taken. What does Luke’s Gospel and his Christmas story teach us about Peace? Our services are streamed every Sunday on...

Advent Week One: Hope as Defiance
12/01/2024 - Advent Week One: Hope as Defiance During World War II, Japanese Americans in internment camps launched a quiet rebellion - not with weapons, but with vegetable gardens, poetry, and baseball leagues. Through their story of creating beauty behind barbed...

Hope & Humility: Part Eight – Not From Here
11/24/2024 - Hope & Humility: Part Eight - Not From Here As we prepare for Advent, the lectionary wants us to be thinking about the nature of kingship. The Jewish people had a long, checkered history with kings. In Jesus, they would find a King whose Kingdom was...

Hope & Humility: Part Seven – Labor Pains
11/17/2024 - Hope & Humility: Part Seven - Labor Pains Through the parallel stories of Hannah's prayer at Shiloh (1 Samuel 1:4-20) and Jesus' prophecy about the temple's destruction (Mark 13:1-8), this message explores how God's kingdom emerges not through...

Hope & Humility: Part Six – Intermissions of Light in the Darkness
11/10/2024 - Hope & Humility: Part Six - Intermissions of Light in the Darkness TThis Sunday we discussed two stories in Mark chapter 12: the greatest commandment, and the widows offering. These stories represent light, joy, and hope in the midst of a dark...

Hope & Humility: Part Five – All Saints, Elections, and Sacred Citizenship
11/03/2024 - Hope & Humility: Part Five - All Saints, Elections, and Sacred Citizenship Today's "All Saints Sunday" message reminds us that we belong to something far greater than our current political moment – the communion of saints, a wild and beautiful...
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