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The Way it Is

The Way it Is

05/22/2022 – The Way it Is Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67; Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5; John 14:23-29; John 5:1-9. "The way it is" in our world is often in conflict with how it should be and how it will one day be. Looking at three of today's lectionary readings, how does God...

The Way it Is

We Talking ‘Bout Practice

05/15/2022 – We Talking 'Bout Practice Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35. "We talking bout practice!?!?!" This week is the 20th anniversary of Allen Iverson's "practice" rant. It is also the 2000-something-th anniversary of Peter's vision...

The Way it Is

The Folly and Great Wisdom of Sheep

05/08/2022 – The Folly and Wisdom of Sheep Acts 9:36-43; Psalm 23; Revelation 7:9-17; John 10:22-30. Scripture uses a lot of Shepherding imagery to describe our relationship to God, but also to call out our tendency to act like sheep. To act foolishly and against our...

The Way it Is

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

04/17/2022 – He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! AHe is Risen. He is Risen indeed! Sometimes places tell stories. The geography of Jesus' journey on Holy Week can teach us a lot about God's Kingdom and about the significance of Mary Magdalene's presence at the tomb. What...

Lent Week Six – A Donkey and a Warhorse

Lent Week Six – A Donkey and a Warhorse

04/10/2022 – Lent Week Six - A Donkey and a Warhorse It's passover week. Jerusalem is crowded. It's the time of year when Rome sends a military procession into Jerusalem as a reminder of who's in charge. Against this backdrop and in sharp contrast, Jesus rides into...

Habitat for Humanity: Build Day 4/2/2022

Habitat for Humanity: Build Day 4/2/2022

Habitat for Humanity Build Day Saturday, 4/2/20228:15am –3:30pmMaybrook Townhomes1525 Oxleymare Dr., Raleigh 27610 CLICK HERE to register and sign-up! Scroll down to SATURDAY, 4/2/2022 (Maybrook Townhomes – Raleigh) and select “SIGN UP” Create an Account and Password...

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