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Peace or Division?
08/14/2022 – Peace or Division What did Jesus mean when he said, "Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division," what did he mean? Is it as simple as it sounds, or are there layers to the text that shed different light on this difficult...

Snickers, Milk, and Hope
08/07/2022 – Snickers, Milk, and Hope Our lectionary texts this morning are all about faith, but they are also about where faith is lived out... in an Already and Not Yet Kingdom. What can Snickers bars, communion, and NT Wright teach us about how to live this faith...

Peacekeepers to Peacemakers
07/24/2022 – Peacekeepers to Peacemakers Today we welcome back Dr. Donna Battle to share what it means to be peacemakers in a world where peace has never been achieved for many. She explores the misconceptions we tend to make based in Philippians 4. (Watch this...

The Only Enemy Left
07/17/2022 – The Only Enemy Left Today Pastor Greg shares about some of his personal struggles with anxiety and how *bad* religion actually contributed to that problem. Plus, he'll be sharing his deepest, darkest secret from last week's Higher Ground Adventure Camp!...

When Religion Behaves Badly
07/10/2022 – When Religion Behaves Badly In the parable of the Good Samaritan, we usually focus on the wounded man and the kindness of the Samaritan. But Jesus includes two other figures in his story — a Priest and a Levite — who fail to act as they should. The church...

The Initiator of Hope
07/03/2022 – The Initiator of Hope Today we are privileged to welcome back Dr. Telika McCoy from Mt. Peace Baptist Church, preaching from the story of Namaan's healing in 2 Kings 5, a message titled The Initiator of Hope. “Though 2022 presents social, political and...

When Freedoms Collide
06/26/2022 – When Freedoms Collide "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." At a conscious level, most of us desire the freedom Christ wants for us. But just underneath our knowing and awareness, we are absorbing and living out a distorted version of freedom....

“From Baptist to Anabaptist”
06/19/2022 – "From Baptist to Anabaptist" Ekklesia has long been a place of healing for wounded people. Sometimes even for wounded pastors. This Sunday, we have the privilege of hearing Pastor Josh's story. A former Baptist pastor, he will be sharing his story about...

Wisdom is Calling, but No One is Listening
06/19/2022 – Wisdom is Calling, but No One is Listening If wisdom is calling on the heights and at the crossroads (Proverbs 8), and if the spirit of Christ is guiding us into all truth (John 16), it seems that no one is listening. No one is paying attention. None of...

06/05/2022 – Pentecost What is Pentecost? Why would tongues of fire show up on that day? Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-streamed version...
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