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Lent: Week Five – Dry Bones

Lent: Week Five – Dry Bones

3/26/2023 – Dry Bones According to a recent study from the Pew Research Center, the category of non-religious/unaffiliated has become increasingly "sticky" (gaining a lot more people than it is shedding). Christianity is experiencing the opposite. In the most...

Lent: Week Five – Dry Bones

Lent: Week Three – We Are Not Nowhen

3/12/2023 – We Are Not Nowhen In the beautiful and compelling story of Jesus encounter with the woman at the well, we realize that God does not just meet us where we are, he meets us *when* we are. What does this mean? What gift might this create for us and for the...

Lent: Week Five – Dry Bones

Lent: Week Two – Cell Phones and the Spirit

3/05/2023 – Cell Phones and the Spirit Today is our annual meeting. We'll spend a few minutes talking about how much things have changed over the last 12 years of our life together as a church. And we'll also discuss the famous passage when Jesus tells Nicodemus you...

Lent: Week Five – Dry Bones

Lent: Week One – Make it Easy. Make it Spectacular.

2/26/2023 – Make it Easy. Make it Spectacular. The gospel reading for this first Sunday of Lent is the story of Jesus in the wilderness where the devil tempts him to turn stones into bread, and to jump from the highest point of the temple and be caught by angels. What...

Transfiguration Sunday

Transfiguration Sunday

2/19/2023 – Transfiguration Sunday This Sunday is transfiguration Sunday. What does this unique story tell us about the world we live in? And how does it relate to movies and video games? Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel...

Transfiguration Sunday

Epiphany Week Six – Jesus’ Sermon on the Margins

2/12/2023 – Jesus' Sermon on the Margins Today's gospel reading from the sermon on the mount is well-known to most Christians. But being so removed from Jesus' context — living under Roman occupation with the loss of status, freedom and autonomy — how well do we...

Transfiguration Sunday

Epiphany Week Four – Micah 6:8 and Alexa Reminders

1/29/2023 – Micah 6:8 and Alexa Reminders What does the Lord require of you? Throughout much of early Jewish history, Israel thought the answer to this question was "sacrifices." Throughout my faith journey, I've embraced several different answers to this question....

Transfiguration Sunday

Epiphany Week Three – Labels and the Lake

1/22/2023 – Labels and the Lake Today, as we look at the story of the calling of the first disciples, and Paul's call to the church in Corinth to have no divisions among themselves, we turn our attention to two deep wells of wisdom: Darth Vader and sports rivalries!...

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