Recent Blog Posts

Miraculous and Mundane
5/28/2023 – Miraculous and Mudane This Sunday is Pentecost, the day we celebrate the giving of the Spirit in Acts 2. It is a strange and powerful story. But the most powerful part might be what comes next. Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel...

The Ever-Expanding Gospel
5/21/2023 – The Ever-Expanding Gospel In Acts 1:8, Jesus calls his disciples to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. But what if this call extends to us today? Perhaps the “ends of the earth” is an invitation for each of us to...

Church Center App
The BEST way to stay informed with everything at Ekklesia is through our Church Center App. With it, you'll have access to: photo directory kids check-in event registration online giving events calendar ... and much more! How to Download the Church Center App Go to...

Rethinking Evangelism
5/14/2023 – Rethinking Evangelism The word "evangelism" and the idea of sharing our faith currently carries with it a LOT of baggage. How might the story of the Apostle Paul speaking at the Areopagus give us a new perspective and help us let go of some of that...

Suffering Well
5/7/2023 – Suffering Well This Sunday we read the story of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. What can his story teach us about the life of discipleship (and human life in general)? Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel...

5th Sunday Worship with Bryana Clover
4/30/2023 – 5th Sunday Worship with Bryana Clover Jesus' encounter at the well with a Samaritan woman is a model for racial healing today. Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at...

Jesus in a Different Form
4/23/2023 – Jesus in a Different Form On the road back home to Emmaus, Jesus appears to two disciples, but "in a different form." Why? It seems we ALL need to see Jesus "in a different form" from time to time in order that we see him more fully. What does this mean...

Doubting Thomas
4/16/2023 – Doubting Thomas On this first Sunday after Easter, the lectionary gives us the text of doubting Thomas. Often in the church we downplay or hide from doubt. But what if doubt is actually a gift that can lead to greater insight and wisdom? Our services are...

Easter 2023 – Do Not Hold On to Me
4/9/2023 – Easter 2023 – Do Not Hold On to Me When Mary sees Jesus in the garden outside the empty tomb, she fell to the ground, "clasped his feet and worshiped him." In that moment, Jesus says to her "Do not hold on to me." Today on Easter Sunday, we explore the...

Lent: Week Six – Liturgy of the Passion
4/2/2023 – Liturgy of the Passion On Palm Sunday, the lectionary gives us two choices for worship: the liturgy of the palms, or the liturgy of the passion. Though we might prefer the singing and excitement of the triumphal entry, this Sunday we will look forward to...
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