Consider it All Crap

10/08/2023 Consider it All Crap Where do we find our true identity? Is it within ourselves, our ideologies and our accomplishments? Is this the way of Christ? Drawing inspiration from the life of the Apostle Paul and his own experiences, Pastor Greg offers a different...

The “Value Gap” Lie

10/01/2023 The “Value Gap” Lie Using language from writer and activist James Baldwin, Pastor Curtis explores the “value gap” lie upheld by the Chief Priests and the Elders of the temple system in Jesus’ day. Where do value gap lies exist...

Looking Back to Egypt

9/24/2023 Looking Back to Egypt The lectionary readings for this Sunday include some of the most famous texts in the Bible. We focus on Exodus 16, when the Israelites long for Egypt as they grumble against God in the wilderness. What does the story tell us about human...

Just Between the Two of You

9/10/2023 Just Between the Two of You In Matthew 18, Jesus provides a plan for how to deal with sin and hurt in a church community. For modern Americans, this is a deeply uncomfortable text. Not because it is harsh or judgmental, but because it is deeply personal and...

Living in Unity

8/20/2023 Living in Unity Our Psalm for today talks about the beauty and significance of God’s people living in unity. That is a refreshing but difficult message in our divided in divisive world. How can we begin modeling and practicing unity in our daily lives?...

More than a Night at Sea

8/13/2023 More than a Night at Sea At first blush, Matthew 14:22-33 is an incredible story of Jesus and the disciples surviving a terrible storm while crossing the sea of Galilee. But if we only read this story as a historical moment, we miss the point and do...

LGBTQ+ Welcome and Full Inclusion

Is Ekklesia an LGBTQ+ affirming community? We recognize the importance for a church to be transparent in what it believes and values. Which is why we are often asked: Do you affirm women in leadership? Is anti-racism preached and valued? Does Ekklesia fully welcome...

What Was the Bigger Miracle?

8/6/2023 What Was the Bigger Miracle? Today’s gospel story is the feeding of the 5000. What can two different interpretations of the story teach us about the gospel and how we’re called to live? Also, should Spider-Man have organic or mechanical web...