The Baptism of the Lord

1/7/2024 The Baptism of the Lord This weekend, we began the season of Epiphany. Saturday was Epiphany, and Sunday is the day we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord – a story that looks both forward and backward. Our services are streamed every Sunday on our...

Christmas Eve: Beneath All that is Broken

12/24/2023 Beneath All that is Broken On that Bethlehem night, Jesus was born into a world hell-bent on rejecting him. In this Christmas Eve homily, we reflect on one possible answer to the question: What kept Jesus going? Our services are streamed every Sunday on our...

Christmas Music and John the Baptist

12/17/2023 Christmas Music and John the Baptist John the Baptist is one of the central figures of Advent. In many ways he embodies the spirit of this season of faithful waiting. In this third Sunday of Advent, we ask what Christmas music can tell us about our current...

O Great and Terrible Day

12/10/2023 O Great and Terrible Day In 2 Peter 3, Peter instructs us to earnestly desire the coming “day of the Lord” — a day when our lives and deeds will be exposed for what they are. Why on earth would we desire such a day? Peter also gives us advice on...

An Unexpected Starting Point

12/03/2023 An Unexpected Starting Point This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent, and we begin with a seemingly odd text for December (Mark 13). A text with cryptic statements about stars falling and keeping watch. It turns out a version of this text is our starting...

Hope for the Goats?

11/26/2023 Hope for the Goats? The parable of the Sheep and the Goats ends with the king dismissing the goats to “eternal punishment.” Is it possible these words hold hope for the goats to be restored? What is the worst way to read this parable? What is a...

Thanksgiving & Stewardship

11/19/2023 Thanksgiving & Stewardship With the holiday season approaching, today we pause for prayer and reflection. Additionally, we discuss the parable of the talents (bags of gold). This story often makes us uncomfortable, but how can it remind us of our...

Some Things Cannot Be Borrowed

11/12/2023 Some Things Cannot Be Borrowed In one of the last parables Jesus tells his disciples before his arrest, he tells the story of ten bridesmaids awaiting the bridegroom’s return. At the surface, the parable seems to contradict other teachings of Jesus,...

You Are Not to Call Yourself Rabbi

11/05/2023 You Are Not to Call Yourself Rabbi In Matthew 23 Jesus has a final conflict with the Pharisees and teachers of the law. He critiques them not for their theology or biblical interpretation, but for hypocrisy. Given this teaching, how can we remain faithful...

Tension, “Refugia” and Good Trouble

10/22/2023 Tension, “Refugia” and Good Trouble Imitating Christ put Paul in tension (“good” trouble) with his culture. Imitating Paul put the Thessalonian church in tension (“good” trouble) with their culture. If the U.S. church...