Appearances – Part 7 – Pentecost

05/15/2016 – Appearances – Part 7 – Pentecost Acts 2:1-24, 36-41 What is Pentecost? Why are there so many people? Where are they? Why wind, fire, and speaking in other languages? Play...

Appearances – Part 4 – Emmaus Road

04/24/2016 – Appearances – Part 4 – Emmaus Road Luke 24:9,11,13-32 Cleopas and his companion on the Road to Emmaus were carrying a load of soul-crushing disappointment. All of their preconceived, pre-formed, pre-determined ideas about Jesus had been crushed. Their...

Appearances – Part 3

04/17/2016 – Appearances – Part 3 John 20:19-23 When Jesus first appears to a group of his disciples after his resurrection and “breathes” his Spirit onto them, they are hiding in a room with the doors locked behind them. What can this teach us about the life of...