Easter 2019 Baptisms and Baby Dedications

Easter Sunday was such an incredible feast of joy and goodness! We experienced resurrection-life firsthand through the music and message, but also through the baptisms and baby dedications. May the commitments spoken by the parents, baptismal candidates and by the congregation be carried out with reference and with joy!

Baby Dedication Liturgy.

Q1: Do you commit, with God’s help, to make every effort, with prayer, patience and love, to build the Word of God and the life of Jesus into their lives? Do you pledge as parents to lead these children toward a full understanding of God’s salvation, and to raise them up to be lovers of Christ and to live a great story of faith? To be Men and Women who will not only pray the Lord’s prayer “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” but to also be a willing participant in how God answers that prayer?

Parents’ response: “With God’s help, we do.”

Q2: Ekklesia, will you commit to pray for these children—that they will grow to love Jesus and trust in Him? and to pray for these parents and encourage them as they face the challenges of parenting? Will you commit with your life – in word and in deed – to set an example that will point these children toward Christ and how to live a great story in God’s kingdom? Will you commit to partner with these parents — in encouragement, accountability and shared wisdom?

Ekklesia Response: “With God’s help, we will.”

Baptism Liturgy.

Q1: “Will you seek to serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?”

Candidates response: I will, with God’s help.

Q2: “Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?”

Candidates response: I will, with God’s help.

Q3: “Like Jesus, will you make special efforts to love the poor, the lonely, the marginalized and all the people the world leaves behind?”

Candidates response: I will, with God’s help.

Q4: “Finally, will you also love God’s world and strive to be a good steward taking care of everything God has made?”

Candidates response: I will with God’s help.