Sermon Podcasts

How Wonderful! How Terrible! We’ll see.

7/9/2023 – How Wonderful! How Terrible! We’ll see.

The story of Rebekah’s betrothal to Isaac is told as a sign and testimony of God’s favor. But upon getting married, life is anything but easy. What happened? Was God’s favor withdrawn? Or does our understanding of God’s favor need a makeover?

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here:

When the Prince of Peace brings a Sword

6/25/2023 – When the Prince of Peace brings a Sword

Among Jesus’ stranger sayings is this: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” How do we reconcile these words coming from the Prince of Peace? Could there be a “peace” Jesus rejects? Could there be a “peace” Jesus confronts with a sword?

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here:

Sheep Without a Shepherd

6/18/2023 – Sheep Without a Shepherd

In Matthew 9, Jesus looked at a crowd with compassion because they looked like sheep without a shepherd. What does this tell us about how Jesus feels about us and how we are called to live.

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here:

The Upside of Darkness Exposed

6/11/2023 – The Upside of Darkness Exposed

In the wake of the release of two documentaries exposing the dark side of the church (Shiny Happy People, and The Secrets of Hillsong), the temptation is to cry out “Where is God?” But could these exposés be a sign of something good?

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here:

Trinity Sunday and the Temple

6/4/2023 – Trinity Sunday and the Temple

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday. As we reflect on the Trinity, we are looking at an often overlooked aspect of scripture. Namely, that it is a story about a temple.

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here:

Miraculous and Mundane

5/28/2023 – Miraculous and Mudane

This Sunday is Pentecost, the day we celebrate the giving of the Spirit in Acts 2. It is a strange and powerful story. But the most powerful part might be what comes next.

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here:

The Ever-Expanding Gospel

5/21/2023 – The Ever-Expanding Gospel

In Acts 1:8, Jesus calls his disciples to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. But what if this call extends to us today? Perhaps the “ends of the earth” is an invitation for each of us to continually expand who we include in our circles.

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here:

Rethinking Evangelism

5/14/2023 – Rethinking Evangelism

The word “evangelism” and the idea of sharing our faith currently carries with it a LOT of baggage. How might the story of the Apostle Paul speaking at the Areopagus give us a new perspective and help us let go of some of that baggage?

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here:

Suffering Well

5/7/2023 – Suffering Well

This Sunday we read the story of Stephen, the first Christian martyr. What can his story teach us about the life of discipleship (and human life in general)?

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here:

5th Sunday Worship with Bryana Clover

4/30/2023 – 5th Sunday Worship with Bryana Clover

Jesus’ encounter at the well with a Samaritan woman is a model for racial healing today.

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. Watch the archived recording of this message here: