Sermon Podcasts

Feasts – Part Two – Food Fight

11/14/2021 – Feasts – Part Two – Food Fight

2 Kings 6:8-23. Every now and then in the earliest stories of scripture when Israel was still in early-stage faith, someone gets “ahead” of their time and demonstrates the deep wisdom-faith of Jesus. Elisha the Prophet does this in the story of Israel’s battle with Aram. A battle which turns out to be the most successful food fight in history.

Our services are live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived livestream of this message, go to

Feasts – Part One – Feasts Throughout Scripture

11/07/2021 – Feasts – Part One – Feasts Throughout Scripture

Genesis 18:1-15; Revelation 19:6-9. Feasts are a surprisingly central part of Scripture and the story of God’s Kingdom. How can feasting lead us deeper into the life of faith and speak prophetically to a broken culture?

Our services are live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived livestream of this message, go to

Sin: The Series – Part Four – Forgiveness … the great ellipsis

10/24/2021 – Sin: The Series – Part Four – Forgiveness … the Great Ellipsis

Luke 15:11-32. Too often we grant sin and brokenness the power to be an ending. The power to declare that all hope of reconciliation and restoration is gone. Forgiveness changes all of this. It refuses to let sin be an ending, and instead, it keeps the story going.

Our services are live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived livestream of this message, go to


Sin: The Series – Part Three – Noah and the Flood

10/17/2021 – Sin: The Series – Part Three – Noah and the Flood

Genesis 6-8. The climax of The story of sin in Genesis is the story of Noah and the flood. What can seeing the story of the flood in the context of other ancient flood stories teach us about sin and the world we live in?

Our services are live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived livestream of this message, go to

Sin: The Series – Part Two – The Story of Sin

10/10/2021 – Sin: The Series – Part Two – The Story of Sin

Genesis 4:8-24. As the story of sin moves from Adam and Eve to Cain and Abel and to Cain’s descendant Lamech, how is sin growing and changing? And what does that tell us about our world today?

Our services are live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived livestream of this message, go to

Sin: The Series – Part One – Sin is bigger than “sins”

10/03/2021 – Sin: The Series – Part One – Sin is Bigger than “sins”

Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7, 22-24; 4:1-16. In the modern American Church it often seems like we’ve been given two bad options with sin. We either talk about a reductionist vision of sin that’s exclusively about guilt or innocence — heaven or hell. Or we avoid the topic of sin altogether. Is there a better way and a better understanding of sin? What is it, when do we first meet it, and how does this shape us in the here and now?

Our services are now live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel. Join us Sundays at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-stream of this message, go to

The Second Greatest Commandment: Part Four – Be Good to the Baby

09/26/2021 – The Second Greatest Commandment: Part Four – Be Good to the Baby

John 4:6-29. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” It’s the final two words of this command – ‘as yourself’ – that might be the most difficult. For many of us, the hardest person for us to see the image of God in, is ourselves.

Our services are now live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel. Join us Sundays at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-stream of this message, go to

The Second Greatest Commandment: Part Three – Enemies

09/19/2021 – The Second Greatest Commandment: Part Three – Enemies

Mark 12:28-31; Matthew 5:43-48. As followers of Jesus we can’t talk about loving our neighbors without the even harder command to love our enemies. What enemies would Jesus have had in mind when he taught his followers this teaching? And how can that help us love our enemies better?

Our services are now live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel. Join us Sundays at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-stream of this message, go to

The Second Greatest Commandment: Part Two – The Cost

09/12/2021 – The Second Greatest Commandment: Part Two – The Cost

Luke 4:16-30. After teaching in the synagogue at Nazareth about God’s expansive view of grace and neighbor, Jesus is taken to the outskirts of town to be thrown off a cliff. It seems that “loving our neighbor” isn’t without risk.

Our services are now live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel. Join us Sundays at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-stream of this message, go to

The Second Greatest Commandment: Part One – Neighbor

09/05/2021 – The Second Greatest Commandment: Part One – Neighbor

Mark 12:28-34. When the teacher of the law asked which commandment was most important, Jesus gave a two-part answer. This month we focus on the second part. What does it mean for us to love our neighbor? And what does an ancient law code in Leviticus teach us about how we do it?

Our services are now live-streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel. Join us Sundays at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-stream of this message, go to