Sermon Podcasts

Demoting ‘The Greatest of These’

09/11/2022 – Demoting ‘The Greatest of These’

A tragic reversal has taken place in our political and religous lives. Where policy/positions used to be flexible and civility/virtue nonnegotiable, we now embrace the opposite. Virtue has been demoted … and we don’t even seem to mind.

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-streamed version of this message, go to


Time is Offensive

09/04/2022 – Time is Offensive

With kids heading off to new schools, I have been thinking a lot about time and what it means to live a life of substance. What does the image of chaff and Jesus teaching on the cost of discipleship reveal about the subject?

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-streamed version of this message, go to


Broken Cisterns

08/28/2022 – Broken Cisterns

What does a news story about traffic accidents, a news story about economic mobility, and a prophecy from Jeremiah teach us about how we live faithfully in a changing world?

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-streamed version of this message, go to  


When One Thing Is Two Things

08/21/2022 – When One Thing Is Two Things

Our lectionary texts today include two texts about the sabbath, but they couldn’t be more different. The heart behind what we do is as important as what we do.

Our services are streamed every Sunday on our YouTube channel ( Join us Sundays online at 10:45am. To watch the archived live-streamed version of this message, go to 


Snickers, Milk, and Hope

08/07/2022 – Snickers, Milk, and Hope

Our lectionary texts this morning are all about faith, but they are also about where faith is lived out… in an Already and Not Yet Kingdom. What can Snickers bars, communion, and NT Wright teach us about how to live this faith in a world full of both Beauty and Brokenness?

Watch this message on our YouTube channel at

Peacekeepers to Peacemakers

07/24/2022 – Peacekeepers to Peacemakers

Today we welcome back Dr. Donna Battle to share what it means to be peacemakers in a world where peace has never been achieved for many. She explores the misconceptions we tend to make based in Philippians 4. (Watch this message on our YouTube channel at

The Only Enemy Left

07/17/2022 – The Only Enemy Left

Today Pastor Greg shares about some of his personal struggles with anxiety and how *bad* religion actually contributed to that problem. Plus, he’ll be sharing his deepest, darkest secret from last week’s Higher Ground Adventure Camp! (Watch this message on our YouTube channel at

When Religion Behaves Badly

07/10/2022 – When Religion Behaves Badly

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, we usually focus on the wounded man and the kindness of the Samaritan. But Jesus includes two other figures in his story — a Priest and a Levite — who fail to act as they should. The church today still has many moments where we fail to act as we ought. What should our response be? Stay compliantly? Leave defiantly? Or is there a third option? (Watch this message on our YouTube channel at

The Initiator of Hope

07/03/2022 – The Initiator of Hope

Today we are privileged to welcome back Dr. Telika McCoy from Mt. Peace Baptist Church, preaching from the story of Namaan’s healing in 2 Kings 5, a message titled The Initiator of Hope. “Though 2022 presents social, political and economic challenges, God is able to keep us hopeful in challenging times. Are we looking to Jesus to heal the areas where we lack hope?” (Watch this message on our YouTube channel at